In addition to the broad range of NDIS disability services, Biala also offers two specialised disability services.

Our team are trained in the implementation of Behaviour Support Plans (BSPs) for NDIS recipients. We are a registered provider of Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SSRC) on behalf of the NSW State Government as part of the Child Safe Scheme.

Positive Behaviour Support Implementation

Implementation of Positive Behaviour Support is a specialised service provided by Biala under the NDIS.

Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SRCC)

Biala provides overnight residential care and behaviour support to children away from their family home under the Child Safe Scheme.

Positive Behaviour Support Implementation

Implementation of Positive Behaviour Support is a specialised service provided by Biala under the NDIS.

Positive Behaviour Support focuses on evidence-based strategies and person-centred supports that address the needs of the person with disability and the underlying causes of behaviours of concern, while safeguarding the dignity and quality of life of people with disability who require specialist behaviour support.

As an implementing provider of Positive Behaviour Support, we will work closely with you, your family, you’re your Behaviour Support Practitioner and the NDIS Commission to provide more complex support to meet your specific needs. Our experienced and well trained team of staff who have responsibility for implementing Positive Behaviour Support Plans result in better outcomes for you and a high quality of service that safeguards your rights as a person with disability.

Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SRCC)
(formerly Voluntary Out of Home Care)

Supporting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people accessing overnight care.

Biala provides overnight residential care and behaviour support to children away from their family home under the Child Safe Scheme. This type of Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SSRC) is an arrangement between a parent and Biala for a child to receive care away from their usual home for 3 or more nights in a 7-day period. This care must be for behaviour support or funded by the NDIS.

Specialised Substitute Residential Care includes:

  • stays of 3 or more nights within a 7-day period in a home, respite, hotel or Airbnb environment (days do not need to be consecutive)
  • short-term accommodation through the National Disability Insurance Scheme
  • overnight stay of 3 or more nights with another family in a ‘host family’ arrangement
  • longer-term residential care

Specialised substitute residential care can be a one-off arrangement made in an emergency or involve frequent or long-term care. In delivering this care, we put the Child Safe Standards into action and the interests of children first to keep them safe from harm.


Head Office

Suite 4 & 5, 2 Moon Street
Ballina NSW 2478